



Total variants






TIER 1 variants


TIER 2 variants



Variants per tier

Allelic support plot


The prioritization of SNV and InDels found in the tumor sample is done according to a four-tiered structure, adopting the joint consensus recommendation by AMP/ACMG Li et al., 2017.


Global variant datatable - filters

The global variant datatable (right) can be filtered according to various criteria:

  • Filtering on sequencing depth/variant allelic fraction depends on input provided by user
  • Filtering performed here will only apply to the datatable and not any other visualizations presented in this page

NOTE - listing top 2000 variants

Global variant datatable

Tier 1


SNVs and InDels


Biomarker genes


Biomarker variants


Diagnostic evidence items


Prognostic evidence items


Predictive evidence items



Tier 1 variant evidence items - filters

  • No variants of strong clinical significance found.

Tier 1 - variant evidence items

  • No variants of strong clinical significance found.

Tier 2


SNVs and InDels


Biomarker genes


Biomarker variants


Diagnostic evidence items


Prognostic evidence items


Predictive evidence items



Tier 2 variant evidence items - filters

Evidence items associated with variants in TIER 2 (right panel) can be interactively explored according to various criteria :

NOTE: Reported biomarkers in CIViC/CGI are mapped at different resolutions (i.e. filter Biomarker mapping). The accuracy of a match between variants in the tumor sample and the reported biomarkers will vary accordingly (highlighted by gene symbols with different color backgrounds):

  • Biomarker match at the exact variant/codon level

  • Biomarker match at the exon/gene level

Tier 2 - variant evidence items

Tier 3


SNVs and InDels


Total variants


Variants in proto-oncogenes


Variants in tumor suppressor genes


Variants in genes with dual roles



Tier 3 - variant filters

Variants in TIER 3 (right panel) can be interactively explored according to various criteria :

Tier 3 - variant datatable

Tier 4


SNVs and InDels


Total variants






Block substitutions



Tier 4 - variant filters

Variants in TIER 4 (right panel) can be interactively explored according to various criteria :

Tier 4 - variant datatable



SNVs and InDels


Total variants






Block substitutions



Noncoding - variant filters

Noncoding variants (right panel) can be interactively explored according to various criteria :

Noncoding - variant datatable

Complete biomarker set


SNVs and InDels


Biomarker genes


Biomarker variants


Diagnostic evidence items


Prognostic evidence items


Predictive evidence items



All biomarker evidence items - filters

NOTE: Reported biomarkers in CIViC/CGI are mapped at different resolutions (i.e. filter Biomarker mapping). The accuracy of a match between variants in the tumor sample and the reported biomarkers will vary accordingly (highlighted by gene symbols with different color backgrounds):

  • Biomarker match at the exact variant/codon level

  • Biomarker match at the exon/gene level

All biomarker evidence items





Copy number gains


Copy number losses


TIER 1 biomarkers


TIER 2 biomarkers



Copy number segments - filters

The following user-defined thresholds determine copy number aberrations shown here:

  •   Copy number amplifications   : Log(2) ratio >= 0.4

  •   Homozygous deletions   : Log(2) ratio <= -0.4

A total of 45 unfiltered aberration segments satisfied the above criteria.

Copy number segments



Somatic copy number aberrations identified in the tumor sample are classified into two main tiers:

Included in the report is also a complete list of all oncogenes subject to amplifications, tumor suppressor genes subject to homozygous deletions, and other drug targets subject to amplifications

  • Status as oncogenes and/or tumor suppressors genes are done according to the following scheme in PCGR:
    • Five or more publications in the biomedical literature that suggests an oncogenic/tumor suppressor role for a given gene (as collected from the CancerMine text-mining resource), OR
    • At least two publications from CancerMine that suggests an oncogenic/tumor suppressor role for a given gene AND an existing record for the same gene as a tumor suppressor/oncogene in the Network of Cancer Genes (NCG)
    • Status as oncogene is ignored if a given gene also has literature evidence support for a role as a tumor suppressor gene which is three times as large (and vice versa)
    • Oncogenes/tumor suppressor candidates from CancerMine/NCG that are found in the curated list of false positive cancer drivers compiled by Bailey et al. (Cell, 2018) have been excluded

Tier 1




Biomarker genes


Biomarker aberrations


Diagnostic evidence items


Prognostic evidence items


Predictive evidence items



Tier 1 variant evidence items - filters

  • No somatic copy-number aberrations of strong clinical significance found.

Tier 1 - variant evidence items

  • No somatic copy-number aberrations of strong clinical significance found.

Tier 2




Biomarker genes


Biomarker aberrations


Diagnostic evidence items


Prognostic evidence items


Predictive evidence items



Tier 2 variant evidence items - filters

Evidence items associated with variants in tier 1 (right panel) can be filtered according to various criteria:

Tier 2 - variant evidence items



Tumor mutational burden & MSI classification

TMB/MSI status

Coding target size

34 Mb

Coding mutations


TMB estimate

65.53 mut/Mb

MSI prediction

MSI - High


TCGA TMB distribution

MSI evidence I

The plot below illustrates the mutational burden of indels in TCGA-BR-A4QL-01A (black dashed line) along with the distribution in TCGA samples for samples with known MSI status ( MSI.H = high microsatellite instability, MSS = microsatellite stable):


MSI evidence II

The plot below illustrates the fraction of indels among all calls in TCGA-BR-A4QL-01A(black dashed line) along with the distribution in TCGA for samples with known MSI status ( MSI.H = high microsatellite instability, MSS = microsatellite stable):

Somatic mutations in MMR genes

Mutational signatures


Mutational Signatures (SBS)


SNVs eligible for analysis


Most dominant aetiology


Accuracy of signature fitting (%)


High confident kataegis events



Mutational signatures - aetiology contributions

Mutational signatures - aetiologies


Mutational context frequency

Genomic distribution - rainfall

Kataegis events



Molecularly targeted trials

Clinical trials

Not yet recruiting




Enrolling by invitation


Active, not recruiting


Unknown status



Molecularly targeted trials - filters

  • Ongoing or planned clinical trials in the relevant tumor type have been retrieved from clinicaltrials.gov, focusing on the subset with molecularly targeted therapies
  • Key information entities (interventions/drugs, conditions) in trial records have been mapped to established thesauri (ChEMBL, NCI Thesaurus, UMLS/MedGen)
  • Results from a text-mining procedure on unstructured trial text (e.g. inclusion/exclusion criteria) attempts to highlight the presence of established molecular biomarkers in cancer and relevant therapeutic contexts.

Molecularly targeted trials

Settings & Docs


Settings - sample and report

The report is generated with PCGR version 0.10.19.

Key report configuration settings:

  • Genome assembly: grch37
  • Minimum sequencing depth tumor (DP, SNV/InDel): 0
  • Minimum allelic fraction tumor (VAF, SNV/InDel): 0
  • Minimum sequencing depth control (DP, SNV/InDel): 0
  • Maximum allelic fraction control (VAF, SNV/InDel): 1
  • Tier system (VCF): pcgr_acmg
  • Show noncoding variants: FALSE
  • MSI prediction: ON
  • Mutational burden estimation: ON
    • TMB algorithm: all_coding
  • Mutational signatures estimation: ON
    • Minimum number of mutations required: 200
    • All reference signatures: FALSE
    • Inclusion of artefact signatures: FALSE
    • Minimum tumor-type prevalence (percent) of reference signatures used for refitting: 5
  • Clinical trial inclusion: ON
  • Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) settings:
    • Transcript set: GENCODE - basic set (v19)
    • Transcript pick order: canonical,appris,biotype,ccds,rank,tsl,length,mane
    • Regulatory regions annotation: TRUE

Sample information:

  • Tumor primary site: Esophagus/Stomach

Documentation - sequencing assay

  • Assay sequencing type (VCF): WES
  • Assay coding target size (VCF): 34 Mb
  • Assay sequencing mode (VCF): Tumor-Control

Estimated properties on DNA cellularity and ploidy:

  • Tumor purity: NA
  • Tumor ploidy: NA

Documentaton - report data sources

The report generated with PCGR is based on the following underlying tools and knowledge resources:

  • PCGR databundle version

    • 20220203
  • Software

    • LOFTEE - Loss-Of-Function Transcript Effect Estimator (VEP plugin) (v1.0.3)
    • vcfanno - Rapid annotation of VCF with other VCFs/BEDs/tabixed files (v0.3.3)
    • MutationalPatterns - Comprehensive genome-wide analysis of mutational processes (v3.4.0)
    • vcf2maf - VCF to MAF conversion (v1.6.21)

  • Databases/datasets
    • GENCODE - high quality reference gene annotation and experimental validation (release 39/19)
    • dbNSFP - Database of non-synonymous functional predictions (20210406 (v4.2))
    • dbMTS - Database of alterations in microRNA target sites (v1.0)
    • ncER - Non-coding essential regulation score (genome-wide percentile rank) (v2)
    • GERP - Genomic Evolutionary Rate Profiling (GERP) - rejected substitutions (RS) score (v1)
    • Pfam - Collection of protein families/domains (2021_11 (v35.0))
    • TCGA - The Cancer Genome Atlas - somatic mutations (20211029 (v31))
    • ICGC-PCAWG - ICGC-Pancancer Analysis of Whole Genomes - somatic mutations (2020_01)
    • TCGA-PCDM - Putative Cancer Driver Mutations based on multiple discovery approaches (2019)
    • UniProtKB - Comprehensive resource of protein sequence and functional information (2021_04)
    • gnomAD - Germline variant frequencies exome-wide (r2.1 (October 2018))
    • COSMIC - Catalogue of somatic mutations in cancer (92)
    • dbSNP - Database of short genetic variants (154)
    • 1000Genomes - Germline variant frequencies genome-wide (20130502 (phase 3))
    • DoCM - Database of curated mutations (release 3.2)
    • CancerHotspots - A resource for statistically significant mutations in cancer (2017)
    • ClinVar - Database of genomic variants of clinical significance (20220103)
    • CancerMine - Literature-mined database of tumor suppressor genes/proto-oncogenes (20211106 (v42))
    • OncoTree - Open-source ontology developed at MSK-CC for standardization of cancer type diagnosis (2021-11-02)
    • DiseaseOntology - Standardized ontology for human disease (20220131)
    • EFO - Experimental Factor Ontology (v3.38.0)
    • OpenTargetsPlatform - Comprehensive and robust data integration for access to potential drug targets associated with disease (2021.11)
    • ChEMBL - Manually curated database of bioactive molecules (20210701 (v29))
    • KEGG - Knowledge base on the molecular interaction, reaction and relation networks (20211223)
    • CIViC - Clinical interpretations of variants in cancer (20220201)
    • CGI - Cancer Genome Interpreter Cancer Biomarkers Database (20180117)


Documentation - report content


The prioritization of SNV and InDels found in the tumor sample is done according to a four-tiered structure, adopting the joint consensus recommendation by AMP/ACMG Li et al., 2017.

A complete list of reported biomarkers that associate with variants in the tumor sample (not necessarily qualifying for assignment to TIER 1/TIER 2) is also shown in a separate section.

Somatic copy number aberrations

Somatic copy number aberrations identified in the tumor sample are classified into two main tiers:

Included in the report is also a complete list of all oncogenes subject to amplifications, tumor suppressor genes subject to homozygous deletions, and other drug targets subject to amplifications

Mutational signatures

The set of somatic mutations observed in a tumor reflects the varied mutational processes that have been active during its life history, providing insights into the routes taken to carcinogenesis. Exogenous mutagens, such as tobacco smoke and ultraviolet light, and endogenous processes, such as APOBEC enzymatic family functional activity or DNA mismatch repair deficiency, result in characteristic patterns of mutation. Mutational signatures can have significant clinical impact in certain tumor types (Póti et al., 2019, Ma et al., 2018)

The MutationalPatterns package (Blokzijl et al., 2018) is used to estimate the relative contribution of known mutational signatures in a single tumor sample. MutationalPatterns makes an optimal reconstruction of the mutations observed in a given sample with a COSMIC’s (V3.2) reference collection of n = 78 mutational signatures (SBS, including sequencing artefacts). By default, we restrict the signatures in the reference collection to those already observed in the tumor type in question (i.e. from large-scale de novo signature extraction on ICGC-PCAWG tumor samples).

Specifically, for tumors of type Esophagus/Stomach , mutational signature reconstruction is limited to the following reference collection:
  • SBS1 - Aging
  • SBS3 - HR deficiency
  • SBS5 - Unknown
  • SBS15 - MMR deficiency
  • SBS17a - Unknown
  • SBS17b - Unknown
  • SBS18 - ROS damage
  • SBS20 - POLD1/MMR deficiency
  • SBS40 - Unknown
  • SBS90 - Duocarmycin
  • SBS93 - Unknown

The accuracy of signature fitting (highlighted in value box) reflects how well the mutational profile can be reconstructed with signatures from the reference collection. Reconstructions with fitting accuracy below 90% should be interpreted with caution.

Tumor mutational burden (TMB)

Tumor mutational load or mutational burden is a measure of the number of mutations within a tumor genome, defined as the total number of mutations per coding area of a tumour genome. TMB may serve as a proxy for determining the number of neoantigens per tumor, which in turn may have implications for response to immunotherapy. For estimation of TMB, PCGR employs two different algorithms (one to be chosen by the user):

  1. all_coding: the same approach as was outlined in a recently published large-scale study of TMB (Chalmers et al., 2017), i.e. counting all somatic base substitutions and indels in the protein-coding regions of the sequencing assay, including synonymous alterations.
  2. nonsyn: non-synonymous variants only, i.e. as employed by Fernandez et al., 2019

Numbers obtained with 1) or 2) is next divided by the coding target size of the sequencing assay.

MSI classification

Microsatellite instability (MSI) is the result of impaired DNA mismatch repair and constitutes a cellular phenotype of clinical significance in many cancer types, most prominently colorectal cancers, stomach cancers, endometrial cancers, and ovarian cancers (Cortes-Ciriano et al., 2017). We have built a statistical MSI classifier from somatic mutation profiles that separates MSI.H (MSI-high) from MSS (MS stable) tumors. The MSI classifier was trained using 999 exome-sequenced TCGA tumor samples with known MSI status (i.e. assayed from mononucleotide markers), and obtained a positive predictive value of 100% and a negative predictive value of 99.4% on an independent test set of 427 samples. Details of the MSI classification approach can be found here.

Note that the MSI classifier is applied only for WGS/WES tumor-control sequencing assays.


Kataegis describes a pattern of localized hypermutations identified in some cancer genomes, in which a large number of highly-patterned basepair mutations occur in a small region of DNA (ref Wikipedia). Kataegis is prevalently seen among breast cancer patients, and it also exists in lung cancers, cervical, head and neck, and bladder cancers, as shown in the results from tracing APOBEC mutation signatures (ref Wikipedia). PCGR implements the kataegis detection algorithm outlined in the KataegisPortal R package, applied in the study by Yin et al. (2020).

Explanation of key columns in the resulting table of potential kataegis events:

  • weight.C>X: proportion of C>X mutations
  • confidence: confidence degree of potential kataegis events (range: 0 to 3)
    • 0 - a hypermutation with weight.C>X < 0.8;
    • 1 - one hypermutation with weight.C>X >= 0.8 in a chromosome;
    • 2 - two hypermutations with weight.C>X >= 0.8 in a chromosome;
    • 3 - high confidence with three or more hypermutations with weight.C>X >= 0.8 in a chromosome)

Germline findings

For PCGR reports that are fueled with CPSR report contents (JSON), we here list the main findings from the CPSR report, i.e. the collection of Pathogenic/Likely Pathogenic/VUS variants (ClinVar and novel CPSR-classified variants). We also show whether any of the query variants are associated with established biomarker evidence items with respect to cancer predisposition, prognosis, therapeutic regimens etc.

Clinical trials

Each report is provided with a list of trials for the tumor type in question, where we limit the trials listed to ongoing or forthcoming trials with a “molecular focus” (presence of molecular biomarkers in inclusion criteria, targeted drugs as interventions etc.). Recognition of biomarkers in trials is conducted through an in-house text mining procedure.

Note that the trials have currently not been subject to any matching with respect to the molecular profile of the tumor, trials are thus basically unprioritized, and have to be explored interactively by the user in order to discover relevant trials.


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Yin, Xia, Rui Bi, Pengfei Ma, Shengzhe Zhang, Yang Zhang, Yunheng Sun, Yi Zhang, et al. 2020. “Multiregion Whole-Genome Sequencing Depicts Intratumour Heterogeneity and Punctuated Evolution in Ovarian Clear Cell Carcinoma.” J. Med. Genet. 57 (9): 605–9. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/jmedgenet-2019-106418.